IR Information

Corporate Management Policy Briefing/
Semi-Annual Financial Results Briefing
for Fiscal Year Ending March 2011
Oct. 29, 2010
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TV shopping and net shopping are nothing new today.  However, with Wii-no-Ma Shopping, using the intuitive Wii Remote, you can enjoy shopping 24 hours a day on your TV at home.  Unlike the online shopping on PCs, you can use the bigger screen of your TV, so all your family members can enjoy shopping together.  In addition to exclusive commodities only available at Wii-no-Ma, there will always be more than 10,000 items to choose from, including foods, daily commodities, fashion items and furniture.  Select items shall be shown with unique video presentations you’ll be able to watch.  In addition to credit card payments, advance payments at convenience stores and cash-on-delivery payments that are widely available for online shopping, the consumers can telephone the call center to make the purchase order. 
Making a phone call to order items at a call center may sound old-fashioned, but there are many people who have hesitated to actually start net shopping in spite of their interests in doing so.  To eliminate the concerns those potential consumers have, we have added phone order as an option so that consumers do not have to register their membership, and they do not have to create passwords and log into the sites.
We are aiming to offer "fun shopping from your living room" that even those who are not accustomed to online net shopping can feel comfortable to use.

These are some examples of the goods that are exclusively available at Wii-no-Ma Shopping.  You can order Mii stamps and stickers.
Taking this opportunity, we will renovate Wii-no-Ma.  Including the addition of this shopping capability, we will implement several improvements based upon the lessons we were able to obtain through our experiences so far.
Wii is a game console which can be enjoyed by any member of a family regardless of age, gender and gaming experiences, and by deploying services that are unique to Wii with such characteristics, we are trying to make it even more useful for facilitating communication between people.  If we can maintain the high active-use ratio of Wii through that process, people will keep using Wii as a game console.  Overall, we are also hopeful that we will be able to increase the social acceptance of video games, which is one of our long-term goals.

Exactly a month ago, we announced the Japanese launch date and the price of Nintendo 3DS at Nintendo Conference 2010.  As the final topic for my presentation today, I’d like to supplement that announcement with some more information.

At Nintendo Conference 2010, I said that we were preparing the digital content download sales for Nintendo 3DS, we had integrated promotional and sales functions and that switching from one screen to another had become much quicker, so you would notice the quick response.  It is as if we are now combining the functions of Wii Shop Channel and that of Nintendo Channels.  With more swift and efficient responses, we want our consumers to feel like just enjoying a sort of window shopping even when they do not have any particular product in mind.  We are preparing such a structure for Nintendo 3DS because we want to nurture a healthy download business in parallel with the packaged software sales.  Due to the time restriction at Nintendo Conference 2010, I was not able to show this video to you then.  Please take a look at this video which will hopefully tell you what kind of feeling you can get when you enjoy these download sales on Nintendo 3DS.

When we activate the shop for Nintendo 3DS, you will see the arrays of shelves by the themes.  How to shift from one icon to another has become smoother, as you can see.
There are multiple software titles on the shelves sorted by their themes. 
When you identify a software title, you will see such options as checking the software details, watching a trailer, and downloading and reading the users’ comments.
When you select the game’s details, just like you do with Nintendo Channels on Wii, you will see an explanation of the game and how long the existing players have been playing with the software and with what frequency.  Directly from here, you can also visit the official website for that software.
When you select the movie option, you will see introductions of the content, such as trailers, before purchasing the software.
Other than the shelves for the software, there are places where you can see a list of the latest software or a list of the best-selling titles.  You can search for your preferred software, and you can express your support for some software if you’d like to recommend it to other people.

With Nintendo 3DS, in addition to expanding the packaged software sales, we are aiming to pursue the new possibilities of digital content download sales.

At Nintendo Conference 2010, I said that the company had to cross new hurdles that weren’t issues for other existing game machines.

And the hurdle I explained was, the 3D images without the need of special glasses must be viewed with your own eyes.  Otherwise, you cannot comprehend their real value.
That challenge was actually attested by the huge differences in the reactions by those who had actually had hands-on experience with Nintendo 3DS at Nintendo Conference 2010 and the impression people got after being exposed to the relevant information only through the Internet or other reporting media.

I was not able to disclose the details at Nintendo Conference 2010 as we had not finalized the schedule a month ago, but for our consumers in Japan to be able to get access to and have hands-on experience with Nintendo 3DS, we are going to hold a tryout event for consumers at Exhibition Hall No. 5 of Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture on January 8, 9 and 10 next year.  We will announce the details on our official website, but we are hoping that our consumers come to the event to experience and understand what kind of new gaming experiences are waiting for them when they can view these experiences in 3D without the need for special glasses, how different it will be from playing Nintendo DS games, and which software is going to be available for them at the launch and immediately afterward.
Although Nintendo is not planning to hold any other events around Japan at this point in time by itself, because we really hope that many people who cannot come to Makuhari Messe in January can also have hands-on Nintendo 3DS experience, we are planning for several more opportunities before the launch of Nintendo 3DS.

Thank you for listening.

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