IR Information

Financial Results Briefing
for Fiscal Year Ended March 2011
Apr. 26, 2011 Presentation by Satoru Iwata, President
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On June 30, the first remake of the "TALES OF THE ABYSS," from the "TALES" series of NAMCO BANDAI Games.

In addition, on July 14, we are planning to release "Star Fox 64 3D," which is a newly-arranged version of "Star Fox 64," the most well-known game of all the 3D shooting games in the time of Nintendo 64, and in which we offer a new feature that uses a gyro sensor to control Arwing, who flies around the 3D space.
As I have gone through right now, our software lineup will be swiftly enriched so that game lovers will be able to enjoy one game after another, starting from next month to summer.

We are also planning to release a completely new title for Nintendo 3DS, "Kid Icarus: Uprising" after summer this year.

Then, towards the end of the year, along with many anticipated titles from the third-party developers, we aim for Nintendo 3DS to be in widespread use among a wide range of families....

We are planning to introduce a new title from the "Super Mario" series which is a Mario action game in 3D space, that we will reveal at E3 this year.

We are planning to launch many titles one after another, including a new title from "Mario Kart" for Nintendo 3DS, which many fans might be waiting for.

Nintendo will be working with our full strength in order to spread Nintendo 3DS as a mainstream handheld device, along with the third party developers and with our sales partners.

Thank you for your attention.

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