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Business Policy

1. Basic Management Policy

In the field of home entertainment, Nintendo Co., Ltd. ("the Company") and its consolidated subsidiaries (together with the Company, "Nintendo") strive to create new and unique forms of entertainment while maintaining a robust business structure.

Nintendo places the highest emphasis on providing customers with a "world of fun," which is both innovative and entertaining with creative elements that have never been experienced.

2. Basic Policy of Profit Distribution

 It is the Company's basic policy to internally provide the capital necessary to fund future growth, including capital investments, and to maintain a strong and liquid financial position in preparation for changes in the business environment and intensified competition. As for direct profit returns to our shareholders, dividends are paid based on profit levels achieved in each fiscal period.

The annual dividend per share will be established at the higher of the amount calculated by dividing 33% of consolidated operating income by the total number of outstanding shares, excluding treasury stock, as of the end of the fiscal year rounded up to the 1 yen digit, and the amount calculated based on the 50% consolidated net income standard (i.e. dividing 50% of consolidated net income by the annual average number of outstanding shares, excluding treasury stock) rounded up to the 1 yen digit.

The end of 2nd quarter (interim) dividend per share is calculated by dividing 33% of consolidated operating income by the total number of outstanding shares, excluding treasury stock, as of the end of the six-month period rounded up to the 1 yen digit.

Retained earnings are maintained for effective use in research of new technology and development of new products, capital investments and securing materials, enhancement of selling power including advertisement, and common stock buyback whenever deemed appropriate.

3. Targeted Management Index

In the home entertainment industry, it is essential to provide new and entertaining products consistently. Upon accomplishing this, Nintendo aims to improve its corporate value by sustaining robust growth and increasing profit. Because Nintendo deals with entertainment products, which by nature hold many uncertainties in terms of their product development, and operates in a market which involves intense competition, flexible business decisions are made without being constrained by any specific management index.

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