IR Information

Financial Results Briefing
for the 68th Fiscal Term Ended March 2008
Apr. 25, 2008 Satoru Iwata, President
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Nintendo launched More Brain Training and Brain Age Two last year in North America and in Europe.

The initial sales of this software shows even stronger sales than its predecessor. The global cumulative shipment has already reached 10.83million.
Other than these titles, the global cumulative shipment for Big Brain Academy reached 5.01million, English Training software for DS has sold 3.46million even though the game is not sold in nations where English is the primary language, and Vision Training has sold 2.52million.These types of user-expansion software contributed to the DS' expansion globally.
When this kind of thing happens, it can alter the retail environment on a global basis.

These are pictures of senior citizens shopping around a DS corner in France. We can also see young female customers that we hardly saw before at video game sections. All members of a family enjoying software hands-on demos in U.K. Husband and Wife, young women and parents and children are enjoying.
This is the one from the U.S. and one from the Netherlands. This is from a mall event in the U.S. This one is also from the U.S., and a wide range of customers are interested in DS today. The fact that those people surrounding the actual purchasers and players of our products are also interested in DS is something that made us realize that DS is appealing to great many.
In U.K., DS was introduced in newspaper articles as an unprecedented social phenomena, like this. In the U.S., it was introduced in magazines targeted at teenagers and even health-oriented magazine for females that was unthinkable in the past. DS was used even in this way in the U.S. Young ladies, senior customers,,,. In Germany, a wide range of people are supporting DS as well.
This is a Reuters article in which a senior customer, who has been touching a computer game to train her brain, was introduced.

Next, about Wii.

Wii has been renewing the sales speed record of home video game consoles around the world.

This chart illustrates how the monthly sales of each home console sales have progressed since its launch in Japan, and the light blue bar with circle points are Wii's.
Among all the home video game consoles, Wii has become the quickest machine to reach 5 million sales, and it is still renewing past sales record of any machines today.

This is for the U.S.
Again, Wii is expanding its installed base at record pace. I heard that the out-of-stock situations are somewhat alleviated, but still today, Wii consoles are sold through to the customers as soon as they hit the retail shelves. Even though the sales so far have set record pace in the U.S. home video game console history, the fact is, Wii sales have been limited by the number of units we can supply, not by market demands.

This is for the UK.
I think I talked about this before, but the UK is the largest European market but it used to be the market where Nintendo's presence was very weak. For example, in 2005, there was no Nintendo platform titles included in the yearly top 20 software sales chart. Also, our past video game platforms did not penetrate the market well in UK, but now that they have supported our DS and Wii, the situation has changed drastically.

This is for Germany.
In comparison with the UK, video game hardware in general sells more slowly in the German market, but Wii is selling at record speed there

Last of all, this is France.
So, Wii has been selling at record speed in each of the major countries around the world.
So far I have discussed the cumulative sales of Wii, but why don't we spend a little more time looking at the most recent Wii sales trend.

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